Resume, Personal Brand, Thought Leadership,
and other Career Services

Coaching, writing, and / or editing services to develop your career marketing materials reflecting your voice and authentic personal brand.
Services can include resume, executive / project addendum,cover letter, marketing plan, and LinkedIn profile as needed.

Schedule a consult with me to discuss what you need.


Marketing Materials for Job Search and Freelancing
$250 - $650
Fee based on items needed and availability and condition of previous resume

Resume writing, editing, and formatting
Resume addenda for project, case, and creative work
Professional branded bio
Cover letter advice, editing, and formatting
Job search marketing plan
Business card advice and editing
LinkedIn profile advice and editing
Other items as needed


Interview Preparation - Ad hoc - $125 / hour
Note: this service is included in each career coaching package

Advice on interview questions
Mock interviewing
Advice on specific questions and answers
Coaching on interview presence
Debrief after interview


Portfolio | Blog Website - $1,500+

Create a simple website to showcase your personal brand and thought leadership
Serves as a portal to all things "YOU", especially when you have multiple roles in life, work, and community
Highly recommended for creative professionals and independent professionals
Affordable user-friendly platforms: Squarespace and Wix
Training on maintaining content yourself